"Art washes away from the soul
the dust of everyday life."
- Pablo Picasso -
With an already existing love for art and a background in Graphic Design - I decided to delve into my hidden passion of jewellery making and sculpting.
My Jewelry line Cocoa Vintage focuses on ceramic jewellery and also includes metals, acrylic, leather and wire. It’s a fusion of what inspires my love for the Caribbean aesthetic, and my love for the island of my birth - Trinidad & Tobago.
The jewellery is artistically classic, ornamental and draws inspiration from things found in nature. I want my pieces to be art that you wear, a sort of Novelty piece that will bring joy to the wearer, something they would treasure forever.
A constant in all my collections is my homage, love and admiration of the Cocoa Pod fruit, which is carefully grown in abundance on my island.
The Cocoa Pod is a majestic metamorphosis of beauty. Textural, colorful, earthy, sweet and not at all one-dimensional in nature. Thus the inspiration for the name of my line - Cocoa Vintage.
The Ceramic pieces are all made by hand, sculpted, refined and fired twice in an electric kiln. A third firing is done at times to add lovely authentic gold accents to the ceramic. One piece may take days to create from raw clay to the final piece.
As a creative being, wife and mother of a 9 year old boy my days are pretty full, but I feel grateful that through my life and my Jewellery, I do my part in adding beauty to the world.